Monday, April 29, 2013

Holding to Hope

It's harder to remain hopeful today. I have a lot of cramping, and it's difficult to think it's anything different than what I experience every "normal" month. I've spent some of my morning in the Psalms, reminding myself of God's goodness and faithfulness throughout history, praising God for how great He is. I came across Psalm 113:9, which says, "He gives the childless woman a household, making her the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah!" I love this verse, even though I know that not every childless woman gets to become a joyful mother. But it still shows a truth about our God: He cares for the broken, and He loves to redeem. And often, He does grant the barren woman her deep desire! I'm holding to this today.


  1. Praying for you... That your hope would remain steadfast and secure in Jesus. That you would feel His overwhelming support during the rest of your wait and beyond. For what it's worth, I had cramping and never really felt pregnant during my TWW. :-) praying your babies are just snuggling in for the long haul! Hugs!!

  2. It's true Can, I've got to remind you again, that week right before you're able to get a positive pregnancy test feels just the same as the week you're about to start your period.

    1. Thanks, Amy and Kelly! I know I've heard this before, but it's still nice to hear again.

  3. praying!! (and just this morning I was thinking "is it Friday yet?!")

  4. I'm holding on to hope with you!!! :))
