Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Saying Good-bye

Today, this year will come to a close. I have mixed emotions about the end of one year and the beginning of another. On the one hand, I love a fresh start, a chance to begin again, an opportunity to make an impossible list of goals and resolutions and try to keep them past February! On the other hand, though, I hate change. At least, I hate the unsettled mysterious nature of change. I'd rather things stay the same, warm and cozy as they've always been.

This coming year will have a great deal of change, and I find myself, in these last moments of 2013, grieving what I must leave behind. There were tears this past week, the first tears in some time. I thought of all that we'd lost, all that we hoped would happen that didn't come to be.

The change that I speak of is good change. We are beginning our first steps toward adoption! We are opening our arms and hearts wide to this beautiful thing that God has planned for us.

But even the most wonderful changes in life can still mean saying good-bye to something else. And even if that something else had with it countless tears and heartbreaks, intertwined with it all was our deepest and most desperate hope. In many ways, I am ready for what lies ahead, ready for joy and laughter and surprise. But I don't feel ready to say good-bye. My heart made a place for what I thought we would have, and that empty space hurts right now.

I wanted to be pregnant. I wanted to see a positive sign on those sticks I've come to hate. I wanted to experience our baby's heartbeat, feel it kick and move, fall in love with it before ever holding it. I wanted healing, for me, for Robby, for our families and friends who have never stopped praying and hoping with us. I wanted to know what our child--half me and half him--would be like. Green eyes like his? Fair like me? Tall, like the both of us? Calm and selfless, or passionate and willful?

Am I crazy to have great hope for what is to come, yet lingering sorrow for what never came to be?

The truth is that at one point, there was no room for the hope of what was to come. Now there is. Yes, my heart made a place for what I thought we would have, and that emptiness hurts. But my heart has also grown, created a space for something I didn't even know I wanted. I don't know exactly how it works, saying good-bye to a dream while welcoming a new one. I don't know how tears of grief and joy can mingle together.

But I do know that Scripture is full of God's promises of something different, something unexpected, something better coming to those who trust Him. And that's something I can walk in with full confidence.


  1. You know I love a fresh start too. I've thought of you often this week and wondering with excitement what the Lord has in store for you this new year. And I don't think you're crazy. I'd say it's healthy and rather brave to acknowledge that hurt space in your heart.

    1. Thanks, Kelly :) I've never thought of it as brave...that's encouraging for you to say.

  2. So well written!!! Love that last sentence. Hope in Him never disappoints! He has big things planned for you!

    1. Thanks, Caroline :) It's so true, and a lesson we have to learn over and over again. I look forward to do the day when it sinks in!

  3. Beautifully put! I'll be waiting in anticipation for God's plans for this new year.

    1. Thanks, Mama! What would we do without the love and continual support of our families? I can't even imagine it. You were there hoping with us with our IVF, and you'e here hoping with us now in this next step. Love you.

  4. This post really resonated with me this year. Thank you for sharing. I pray for God's blessings to fill your 2014 as you venture out into something new. :) I am so excited for this next part of your story and pray that He would continue to heal and restore your heart as you follow His lead.

    1. I'm grateful for your friendship, Amy, and my prayers are with you too as you move forward in grief and hope this new year.

  5. God is so faithful to meet us in our sorrow and carry us to a place of hope and expectation, even as we don't realize it. I'm excited for you and your husband as you move forward with this new sweet dream on your hearts. The space that has always felt ready to be filled in your family WILL be filled with a child--your child. I know some of your thoughts and wonders and longings... I believe you can have both sorrow and hope, too. Excited for you! And I will do the post you tagged me in--just saw it! HAPPY New Year :)

    1. Yes, I keep thinking that, that all along God has prepared a child to be in our lives, prepared him or her to fill that spot in our heart. I'm looking forward to that day!

  6. This was beautifully written Candace! Much love to you and Robby and I am beyond excited for you as you begin this adoption journey (yet totally understand the sorrow that comes with it). Looking forward to reading more 😊

    1. Thanks, Marisa! It is exciting, and I look forward to sharing it!

  7. My heart is with you, Candace. It's so hard to say goodbye to the dreams we've had for years - since we were little girls. It's so hard to let go. I'm excited for your adoption journey. Letting go of pregnancy and genetic legacy is hard, though. xoxo

    1. Yes, you hit it on the head. These aren't recent dreams of mine...they're dreams I've had since I was little! I appreciate your support!
